- (hydrology) The flow of intercepted water down the trunk or stem of a plant.
Compound from English stem (stalk of a plant) + English flow.
Distribution of cognates by language
Geogrpahic distribution of cognates
Cognates and derived terms
- Hubble flow English
- aflow English
- afterflow English
- airflow English
- antiflow English
- ashflow English
- autoflow English
- backflow English
- baseflow English
- bestem English
- bluestem English
- brittlestem English
- byflow English
- coflow English
- conflow English
- contraflow English
- counterflow English
- crossflow English
- dark flow English
- deflow English
- destem English
- downflow English
- earthflow English
- flow English
- flowability English
- flowable English
- flowage English
- flowant English
- flowcytometric English
- flowest English
- floweth English
- flowgram English
- flowgraph English
- flowgraphy English
- flowing English
- flowless English
- flowlike English
- flowline English
- flowmeter English
- flowmetric English
- flowmotion English
- flowrate English
- flowsheet English
- flowsnake English
- flowstone English
- flowthrough English
- flowtime English
- flowtop English
- flowy English
- foreflow English
- forestem English
- freeflow English
- geneflow English
- grainflow English
- hyperflow English
- inflow English
- interflow English
- lineflow English
- macrostem English
- mainstem English
- microflow English
- midflow English
- mindflow English
- mudflow English
- multistem English
- nanoflow English
- newsflow English
- nonflow English
- nonstem English
- off-flow English
- outflow English
- overflow English
- pipestem English
- pseudostem English
- rainflow English
- redstem English
- reflow English
- restem English
- semiflow English
- slushflow English
- stem English
- stem mammal English
- stembark English
- stemborer English
- stemhead English
- stemless English
- stemlet English
- stemlike English
- stemline English
- stemmer English
- stemmery English
- stemmy English
- stemplot English
- stempost English
- stemward English
- stemware English
- stemwinder English
- stormflow English
- streamflow English
- subflow English
- substem English
- superflow English
- tenderstem English
- throughflow English
- underflow English
- uniflow English
- unstemmable English
- upflow English
- uroflow English
- waterflow English
- wirestem English
- wordflow English
- workflow English
- fluō Latin
- fluir Portuguese
- flowen Middle English
- stem Middle English
- flow
- stem
- aflow
- flowy
- deflow
- inflow
- byflow
- stemmy
- restem
- destem
- bestem
- reflow
- upflow
- coflow
- redstem
- flowtop
- uroflow
- outflow
- subflow
- midflow
- flowage
- stemmer
- mudflow
- nonstem
- floweth
- flowant
- conflow
- flowest
- flowing
- ashflow
- uniflow
- airflow
- nonflow
- stemlet
- substem
- stemplot
- wordflow
- flowtime
- nanoflow
- geneflow
- forestem
- stemmery
- flowable
- rainflow
- wirestem
- downflow
- stembark
- lineflow
- foreflow
- antiflow
- baseflow
- bluestem
- newsflow
- stemware
- stemhead
- workflow
- freeflow
- flowlike
- pipestem
- backflow
- mindflow
- overflow
- stemlike
- flowless
- flowline
- autoflow
- stemline
- mainstem
- flowrate
- stempost
- semiflow
- off-flow
- flowgram
- stemless
- stemward
- flowgraph
- stemborer
- slushflow
- flowsnake
- dark flow
- waterflow
- flowstone
- underflow
- stormflow
- crossflow
- earthflow
- flowsheet
- afterflow
- grainflow
- superflow
- interflow
- multistem
- flowmeter
- hyperflow
- macrostem
- microflow
- flowmetric
- streamflow
- stemwinder
- flowgraphy
- flowmotion
- contraflow
- pseudostem
- tenderstem
- Hubble flow
- stem mammal
- counterflow
- throughflow
- unstemmable
- brittlestem
- flowthrough
- flowability
- flowcytometric